20 liters

208 liters
Hexol HV 32 46 68
HEXOL HV 32 46 68 are high quality oils with high viscosity index, specially formulated for use in industry, construction, mining, hydraulic lifting systems, as well as in any other fix and mobile hydraulic systems, which works under conditions of extreme pressure (EP). They are produced from highly refined base oils, with a package of special anti-corrosion, anti-wear, anti-oxidation, anti-foaming additives and viscosity index enhancers.
-meets the requirements of ISO 11158 HV, ISO-L-HV, DIN 51524-3 (HVLP);
-excellent wear protection;
-long-term oxidation stability;
-low foaming, rapid air separation;
-compatible with other conventional hydraulic oils;
-recommended in extreme pressure (EP) conditions over 5000 PSI (~ 350 ATM);
– high viscosity index.
-Highly recommended for industrial hydraulic systems, machine-tools and automotive applications where a hydraulic oil with superior performance and high viscosity index is required;
-Suitable for all kinds of hydraulic pumps;
-Suitable for mobile or fixed hydraulic systems.
SAE Viscosity:
-ISO 11158 HV
-DIN 51524-3 (HVLP)