5 liters

10 liters

20 liters

205 liters
Gazpromneft Industrial is good quality anti-wear hydraulic oils intended for industrial and mobile service applications, subjected to moderate operating conditions and requiring anti-wear lubricants. Their effective oxidation resistance and chemical stability support good oil life in moderate applications.
-Good anti-wear performance. Proven anti-wear additives throughout the range of operating conditions to help system components last longer.
-Oxidation resistant. Low acidity, low sludge formation to extend oil drain interval life and minimizing maintenance costs.
-Thermal stability. Resistance to degradation and sludge formation therefore improving system reliability and cleanliness.
-Air release and antifoam properties. Quick air release without excessive foaming helps minimize cavitation and slow oxidation, maintaining system and fluid performance.
-Seal compatibility. Compatible with all seal materials normally specified for use with mineral oils. Reduced leakage and oil consumption helping to reduce maintenance costs.
-Industrial hydraulic systems
-Lightly loaded industrial gears, bearings and sideways where mild anti-wear characteristics are required.
-Not applicable for systems requiring oil with EP and anti-stick-slip properties
Specifications and Approvals:
-DIN 51524 Part 2 (HLP)