5 liters

205 liters
Gazpromneft Antifreeze SF12+ is extra high performance coolant made of ethylene glycol. The Organic Acid Technology (OAT) formula gives outstanding protection against frost, corrosion and overheating for engines of both ferrous and aluminum construction. Gazpromneft Antifreeze SF12+ is free of nitrites, amines, phosphates, silicates and borates. Concentrated antifreeze formula needs to be diluted prior to be used.
-Car, truck and bus engines of both ferrous and aluminum construction
-Gazpromneft Antifreeze SF12+ Concentrate must be diluted prior to be used as recommended by vehicle manufacturer (see dilution chart).
-For preparation of the coolant it is recommended to use distilled or deionized water. Tap water can be used when not excessively hard.
Specifications and Approvals:
-ASTM D3306
-ASTM D4985
-BS 6580
-SAE J1034
-AFNOR NF R 15-601
-MAN 324 Type SNF (approved)
-VW TL-774 F (G12+)
-Ford WSS-M 97B44-D
-GM 6277M
-Opel B040 1065
-MB 325.3
-MTU MTL 5048