5 liters

10 liters

205 liters
Gazpromneft Antifreeze is high performance coolant made of ethylene glycol. Low silicate formula gives outstanding protection against corrosion and overheating for wide variety of automotive vehicles and industrial cooling systems. Gazpromneft Antifreeze contains nitrites and silicates for extended protection of heavy duty engines against cavitation and corrosion. Concentrated antifreeze formula needs to be diluted prior to be used.
– Superior engine protection at extreme temperatures, both in cold engine start and under severe
driving conditions at maximum speed and load
– Excellent detergent and anti-wear properties extend engine longevity
– High thermal stability increases engine efficiency and prolongs drain interval
– Specially selected synthetic base components reduce oil consumption
– Special formulation ensures effective long-term operation of catalyst
-Automobiles, heavy duty, industrial cooling systems
-Gazpromneft Antifreeze Concentrate must be diluted prior to be used as recommended by vehicle manufacturer (see dilution chart).
-For preparation of the coolant it is recommended to use distilled or deionized water. Tap water can be used when not excessively hard.
Specifications and Approvals:
-ASTM D3306, D4985, D6210
-BS 6580-1992
-Case Corp. MS1710
-Cummins 14603
-Detroit Diesel 7SE298
-Freightliner 48-22880
-General Motors 6038M
-John Deere 8650-5
-New Holland 9-86
-SAE 1941
-TMC RP329
-Waukesha 4-1974D
-YaMZ (approved)