205 liters
Fastroil Nigrol
Fastroil Nigrol (Нигрол) is a mineral oil created without additives; it is a viscous residue from primary oil refining. It is effective for lubrication of transmission units of special machinery and equipment operated at contact stresses up to 600 mPa and temperature up to 90 °С. According to GOST 17479.2-85, Nigrol is classified as an oil of TM-1 category. The same category includes base oils (TB-20, TS-14.5) used for creation of automotive gear oils.
This oil is used as a working fluid in various systems: gearboxes, less loaded units of industrial machines, in open and planetary gears, as well as in transmissions of cranes, excavators, tractors, agricultural and automotive mechanisms.
-SAE 140
-ТМ-1 according to GOST 17479.2-85